How to Delete (Step-by-Step) Instagram Account 2023

If you’re looking How to Delete (Step-by-Step) Instagram Account 2023, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it. We’ll show you how to deactivate or permanently delete your account, and what you need to do before you delete it.

Hey Guys My name is Deepak and, Did you know that it’s possible to delete your Instagram account? It might seem strange to give up a social media account that has brought so much joy into your life, but there are good reasons why you might want to do it.

Deleting your Instagram account is not as simple as deactivating it, but it’s not too difficult either. To help you make up your mind and get started, we have put together some important details about deleting your Instagram account.

Why want to Delete Your Instagram Account?

It’s easy to delete your Instagram account. but there are some reasons you want to delete your Account. Maybe you’re worried about privacy, maybe you don’t like the new algorithm, or maybe you’re just ready to leave the social media platforms behind. Whatever the reason, you can delete your account in a matter of seconds.

In today’s world, most people have an Instagram account. It’s a great way to share photos and videos with family and friends. But what if you are dissatisfied with Instagram and wish to delete it? Many reasons may lead you to delete your account, including no longer enjoying it.

How to Delete Instagram Account 2023

To delete your Instagram account, you need to log in to your Insta account.

Note: You will not be able to recover your Instagram account if you decide to delete it.

So, friends, you need to think carefully before you do it. Once you delete your account, there is no way to get it back.

If you decide to delete your Instagram account, you need to follow these simple steps…

  • Open Browser Instagram login and Go to the this url – Delete Your Instagram Account page on your browser (ensure that you’re logged in).
  • Then Click 3 dot and drop-down menu will be open.
  • Then in the menu, some reasons to delete the account will open and select one of the reasons.
  • After selecting any reason Click  & Fill in your Instagram id password.
  • After Fill Instagram id password Click the Delete button to confirm your decision.
  • In this way, your Instagram account will be deleted within 24 hours.

What if you Delete Instagram Account?

It’s okay to take a break from Instagram, but not yet ready to delete your account. You’ll lose your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers if you delete your account.

Note: Before you delete your Instagram account, you should download any photos or content you posted. If you don’t, your photos will be deleted. If you delete your Instagram account, you won’t be able to create a new account with the same email address or username. You will also lose access to your Instagram messages.

What is Instagram?

You will lose your followers when you delete your Instagram account, even You won’t be able to recover your lost followers if you decide to re-create your Instagram account.

Instagram is an iOS and Android app that lets you share photos and videos. You can also use it to send messages, make calls, and even make video calls. It’s a great way to stay in touch with your friends and family, and it’s also a great way to share your life with the people you care about.

It allows users to take pictures and videos, apply filters, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. It also has a messaging feature that lets users send each other private messages.


You must have liked the given information better and you must share it further on social media, if you have any questions or suggestions, then tell us in the comment box below.

Keep in mind that once you delete your Instagram account, there is no way to get it back. So, make sure you are absolutely sure before taking this step.

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